Hazel Ray strikes again with her latest pop-soul gem 'My Demon'


10/15/20232 min read

Hi Hazel, welcome to AFX. You said: '' 'My Demon' is more than just a song, it's a transformative experience, a journey of self- discovery, strength, and empowerment.'' Please describe your creative process.

The concept of the Demon in this song can be taken very metaphorically or in my case both literally and metaphorically. Mental Health is a very personal experience and manifests very differently for each person. After challenging a life long fear I was able to transform the inner Demons that controlled my life into that of light and use the experience to help others. This song had been percolating inside me for about 6 months before writing it. At the time I was taking long drives and wrote the entire song without an instrument, just keep leaving voice memos on my phone.

What's the best advice you've ever received about pursuing a career in music?

Be HELPFUL.........Be HUMBLE........... and write freaking good songs.

How do you stay motivated and inspired to create new music?

My mantra is "The world doesn't need saving, people do and if we give the people the tools to save themselves, we save the world". There are so many tools that the world needs to help awaken them to their true nature and music is one of them. I am inspired to keep writing songs that help answer the questions that people don't even know they have. To speak to their souls to ask more questions and not settle for less than what they deserve in their life. I write for the people as the people.

What are some of the challenges you face as an artist?

Money........ As an independent artist it costs to produce, it costs to promote, it costs to tour, it costs to have photoshoots, it costs to make videos........... I know what I have to share is of value but without faster money coming in it takes time.

Which songwriters do you admire and why?

Dermott Kennedy has really beautiful lyrics and melodies in his songs. I love how vulnerable his music feels. Jacob lee is an Australian artist that sings songs of consciousness and mental health. He is an artist that answers the questions that you can't even find words for. I feel extremely seen and understood by his melodies and lyrics.

Are you working on any new music or planning anything exciting that we can look forward to?

I am super excited to get my next song out. It won't be here until January, but it is worth the wait. If people like my conscious approach to music this next one is up beat and fun, but also poses some very interesting questions of life and beyond.

Catch 'My Demon' on Spotify: